A pseudo-class is a little different from previous CSS uses. CSS pseudo-classes are used to define styles at certain states of the HTML tag. For example, you may use a pseudo-class to have a <DIV> or <a> tag change colors when you hover over or click on them. To create a pseudo-class, you add a colon (:) after the last CSS selector. Below are some examples.

We know that to add CSS styles to an <a> tag, I simply use CSS that would look something like this:

/*any CSS styles written inside of these curly brackets would alter all of the <a> tags*/

Now, if we want to change the color to blue when we hover over this a tag, we can use the :hover pseudo-class. Here is an example:


This tag may look something like this:

Empty Link

There are tons of pseudo-classes in CSS. Some of these include:

  • :hover - hover over the object
  • :active - the object you are currently clicking
  • :visited - objects you have already clicked on
  • :first-child - the first time the corresponding tag appears. Note that the doctype must be declared for this to work. You can also do, for example:
    P h1:first-child{
    /*any CSS styles written inside of these curly brackets would alter the first h1 tag in EVERY p tag on the page*/
  • :lang - allows you to define special roles for different languages. For example:
    quotes:”~” “~”;

    This would add squiggly lines before and after any p tag with the attribute lang=”no”

  • :checked – selects checked elements
  • :empty - selects every tag that has no inner tag
  • :not(selector) - selects every element that is not the selector
  • :read-only - selects only elements with a "readonly" property specified
  • :before - allows you to insert content before all certain elements
  • :after - allows you to insert content after all certain elements

For all pseudo-classes, please visit w3schools.

Now that you know all of the ways you can select tags on your HTML page, let's discuss the CSS styles you can add to these tags.

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