CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, and is generally used to create and modify styles in an HTML document. There have been different versions of CSS, but we are currently on CSS3. Nearly every page on the internet uses CSS styling. If it wasn't for CSS, webpages would be very bland, undoubtedly with plain black and white lists of information all over. CSS, along with HTML and JavaScript, are the future to the internet. Using these three languages, you can write and form your webpages nearly any way you want! When creating a website:

  • HTML is used to write the information
  • CSS is used for stylization
  • JavaScript is used to create exciting and thrilling events that keep your website interesting!

Many pages will also have a functioning page-behind, commonly written in an object-oriented programming language such as Visual Basic or C++. These pages may also use a language to access or modify their database, such as SQL.

CSS is a very easy and simple language to learn. Unlike some of the popular object-oriented programming languages, such as Visual Basic or Java, you probably won’t have to download any new programs to begin writing CSS style pages. CSS can be easily written using an application such as Notepad or Notepad++. You can download Notepad++ here.

If you have a Macintosh, you can also use something as simple as TextEdit or TextWrangler. You can download TextWrangler here.

Once you think you are ready, click "Next" to begin your first CSS style sheet!

  1. Starting your first CSS style sheet
  2. Using CSS Comments
  3. Understanding CSS: HTML tag Selectors
  4. Understanding CSS: HTML ID Selectors
  5. Understanding CSS: Class Selectors (Your Best Friend)
  6. Understanding CSS: HTML IDs vs Classes
  7. Understanding CSS: Using Class Selectors with HTML tags
  8. Understanding CSS: Pseudo-classes
  9. Introduction to CSS Styles

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